Global-e 消费者隐私政策

上次更新日期:1月15th 2025

本隐私政策(“政策”)规定了 Global-e(“Global-e”、“我们”或“我们的”)如何采集、接收、使用、存储和披露与使用我们为向您销售产品所履行的服务,或(在适用情况下)本政策中指明的其他服务(“服务”)所涉及的个人信息(有时称为“个人信息”,定义如下)。凡提及 Global-e(或“我们”、“”或我们的”)还指 Global-e 集团,包括<<这里>>载明的实体、子公司和关联方,还包括以“”运营的网站和根据该网站提供的服务(若提供,将构成服务的一部分)。




Global-e 可能会不定期更改和更新本政策项下的条款。倘若我们决定对政策进行重大调整,我们将在网站上发布调整后的政策以及最新的生效日期,而且我们将通过一切正当途径将相关调整情况通知您。倘若您在我们发布这些调整后继续使用相关服务,则表示您确认已阅读并同意经过调整的政策。











我们通过使用不同类型的 Cookies 采集信息,以改善您的跨境购物体验。我们会自动记录包括您 IP 地址在内的“流量/会话”信息,点击该链接即可访问我们的 Cookie 政策,了解详细内容,因此请确保已查阅相关信息。我们的服务不会回应请勿追踪(DNT)信号。用于分析的数据会经过汇总和/或匿名处理,我们可能会在不另行通知的情况下使用这些数据。

倘若您所在的国家/地区需要身份号码(当地 ID、护照),我们也可能会采集此类信息,例如,为了便于清关或进口税收和关税的汇款。  



如有必要,我们还将与第三方服务提供商和其他提供商(包括向我们提供分析工具的提供商)共享您的信息(详见我们的 Cookie 政策),以实现采集信息的目的,前提是任何此类第三方承诺根据适用法律和本政策的要求,以及与执行或提供服务相关的所有内容,保护您的隐私。  







我们无意向据我们所知在提供服务的各个司法管辖区域内未满法定最低年龄(“最低年龄”)的任何人收集信息。倘若您认为我们已采集这些信息,请致函 [email protected] 联系我们。




为了完成在线下单和提供服务,您可能会通过链接跳转到第三方网站(例如,您可能会选择使用 PayPal 支付订单费用),这些网站受其隐私政策的约束(请查阅并确保已理解这些政策)。






Global-e 遵守关于跨司法管辖区域和地理区域传输个人信息的适用法律、法规。  

  • Global-e 数据服务器位于欧洲经济区 (“EEA”)。倘若您使用 Global-e 服务,您的数据将在爱尔兰境内存储并处理。  
  • Borderfree 服务位于美国境内。倘若您使用 Borderfree 服务,您的数据将在美国境内存储并处理。  

我们仅视您的居住地和完成交易的二级处理商,遵照相关法律和本政策在 Global-e 集团内部传输信息。数据传输受在法律上具有约束力的协议保护。倘若您位于欧盟、英国或瑞士境内,您的信息将受标准合同条款或适用传输充分性决定的保护。


请致函 [email protected]联系我们。我们将秉承善意,努力与您解决任何现有或潜在争议。




请致函[email protected]联系我们了解进一步的信息。我们根据《通用数据保护条例》第 27 条的欧盟代表为 Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Colmantstraße 15, 53225 Bonn, [email protected]。  

我们的英国代表为 Globale UK Limited, of 154 Clerkenwell Rd, London EC1R 5AB, UK, [email protected].  

Global-e 隐私政策



为了向您提供服务,我们会采集您的姓名、电子邮箱、电话号码、邮寄地址与付款信息,包括您向我们提供的付款方式和付款详情(或付款凭证详情)。倘若您所在的国家/地区需要身份号码(当地 ID、护照),我们也可能会采集此类信息,例如,为了便于清关或进口税收和关税的汇款。倘若您联系了 Global-e 客户服务部进行咨询,我们将接收并处理您为解决此类问题提供的任何信息。


购物。您与 Global-e、Borderfree 或 Flow checkouts 任何一方沟通时,我们会直接接收并采集您的信息。您下订单购买店主网站上提供的商品时,我们会履行订单,您向我们提供处理您在线交易、向您选择的送货地址送货或依照我们的销售条款提供客服所需的信息。倘若您有 Borderfree 帐户,您已通过您的 Borderfree 用户帐户向我们提供了您的部分信息。请查阅 适用于此类 Borderfree 用户帐户的特定条款和政策。  


日志文件。您与相关服务进行互动时,我们会使用在适用法律允许的情况下从您的计算机或设备中自动采集的日志文件。日志文件中所含信息包括互联网协议(或 IP,在互联网上标识您的计算机或设备的唯一地址)、浏览器类型、互联网服务供应商(ISP)、日期/时间戳、引用/退出页面、点击的页面以及浏览器向我们发送的其他任何信息。

Cookies。我们使用 Cookies 和类似跟踪技术确保我们的服务不断改进并满足您的需求。请查阅我们 Cookies 政策的全部内容,了解我们使用的 Cookies 类型及其有效期的更多信息。我们使用基本 Cookies 来提供、改进并优化我们的服务以及改进并优化您的体验。我们的 Cookies 包括由第三方提供的 Cookies,用于保护您的交易,并根据经过汇总和匿名化处理的数据创建静态报告。我们使用标准的分析工具,如 Google Analytics、Hotjar、Heap 和 Fullstory(Cookie 政策中规定了完整的最新列表)。

请勿跟踪 (“DNT”)

网络浏览器提供“请勿跟踪” (“DNT”) 信号。DNT 信号是一个 HTTP 标题字段,表示您希望通过服务或跨网站用户跟踪来跟踪您的活动。我们的服务不会回应 DNT 信号。








店主或 的直接营销

您将能够通过我们的服务就具体事宜表示同意,以通过电子邮箱、电话、短信或邮件接收直接营销材料, 这些材料与通常情况下通过我们的服务可获得的消费品和服务有关,包括您以前可能通过我们购买过的或您可能感兴趣的品牌之报价。  

您的信息可能会用于 发送的直接营销,前提是您已正式同意。您有权反对专门为直接营销目的处理您的信息。  

倘若您希望退出直接营销信息,请就从 接收的任何信息联系我们。倘若您收到店主的信息,请直接联系店主。抑或,您可使用通过相关营销信息提供的“退订”功能。  




使用 Global-e 关联方进行信息处理。倘若在您购物的地点履行服务或交付订购的产品,或为获取订单、办理清关和进口手续或实现与履行订单直接相关的纳税申报义务而进行其他数据处理时需要传输相关数据,我们将与子公司和集团公司(在这里详细说明)共享您的信息。我们还将与关联方共享信息并向其传输相关信息,以便其我们的名义存储或处理与我们提供的服务相关的信息。该等信息将传输至我们的服务器和系统所在地的其他司法管辖区域,如下文“向您所在地区之外传输送个人信息”所述。



法定义务和必要披露。我们可能会使用这些信息来遵守任何适用的法律义务、执行任何适用的服务条款,以及保护服务、我们的权利、我们用户/客户或其他人的权利或为其进行辩护。倘若我们秉承善意相信披露您的信息或您提交的任何信息有助于遵守任何适用的法律、法规、法律程序或政府要求,或在合理情况下对于遵守任何适用的法律、法规、法律程序或政府要求必不可少,我们将披露这些信息;强制执行销售条款,包括对潜在违规行为进行调查;检测、预防或解决欺诈或安全问题;或保护 Global-e 及其用户、您本人或公众的权利、财产或安全免受损害。



Global-e 遵守关于跨司法管辖区域和地理区域传输个人信息的适用法律、法规。  

  • Global-e 数据服务器位于欧洲经济区 (“EEA”)。倘若您使用 Global-e 服务,您的数据将在爱尔兰境内存储并处理。  
  • Borderfree 服务位于美国境内。倘若您使用 Borderfree 服务,您的数据将在美国境内存储并处理。  

为了向您提供服务,并且作为我们跨境运营的一部分,我们采集您的信息可能会传输至以色列、英国 (UK)、欧盟和美国,并在 Global-e 实体和其他当事人之间共享,包括店主和其他服务供应商以及履行我们服务的二级处理商。我们要求此类第三方按照 Global-e 的政策和程序处理此类信息。  

Global-e 将依照适用的隐私法和本政策,承担在向第三方传输信息过程中保护信息的全部责任。  










获取信息。倘若根据适用法律,您有资格获得访问权,您可向我们确认,我们是否正在处理您的信息,并接收该数据副本。我们可能需要您向我们提供某些证书,确保您确系本人。您可随时通过下列方式联系我们:[email protected] 并要求访问我们保存的关于您的信息。我们将竭尽全力确定您要求访问的信息。  








相关服务无意吸引或面向未满 16 周岁或未满您所在司法管辖区域内适用的最低年龄之人。因此,我们无意向已知未满 16 周岁或未满相关最低年龄之人采集信息。在某些国家,如“某些司法管辖区域内用户的附加信息”所述,最低年龄可能有所不同。  

倘若我们得知采集的信息来自未满 16 周岁或未满适用最低年龄之人,我们将迅速删除相关信息。倘若您认为我们有任何该等信息,请通过以下方式联系我们:[email protected].


相关服务包含并非 Global-e 所有或控制的第三方(包括第三方付款供应商)网站和服务链接。我们不对隐私实践或第三方网站或服务的内容负责,您若使用或连接该等链接和网站,则将自行承担相关风险。您应当查阅其的隐私政策。


我们会不定期更新本政策。倘若更新内容的影响轻微或无关紧要,将在服务网站上发布通知 7 天后生效。如有重大变更,将在我们最初发布通知 30 天后生效。



请致函[email protected]联系我们了解进一步的信息。  

您可致函[email protected]联系我们的数据保护官。  

有关 Global-e 关联方的信息,请点击 这里

Borderfree 客户的附加条款

作为 Borderfree 客户,Global-e 隐私政策适用于您在 Global-e 的支持下使用 Borderfree 服务和产品。倘若您已注册为 用户并同意接收我们的营销信息,本附件将包含与您相关的其他信息。  


用户账户.您与 Borderfree 网站互动时,以及通过任何用户帐户提供信息时,我们会采集您的信息,请通过以下网址详见 Borderfree 条款和条件:  

您为用户帐户提供的信息.您得提供相关信息。您可选择将这些详情设置为默认信息,以便通过 Borderfree 预填您的未来交易信息。除非您同意,否则我们不会将您的信息设置为默认信息。您可随时更改您的详细信息并退出默认设置。

信用卡数据或其他支付信息.您可选择向 Borderfree 提供您的付款信息。倘若您选择这样操作,将保存您的付款信息,并在有支持的网店结账离开时用作默认或首选付款方式。一旦将您的付款信息设置为默认信息,Borderfree 即可通过预填店主的交易信息,增强和改善您的购物体验。  

倘若您选择使用该等默认设置,便同意 Borderfree 将您的付款信息保存在加密的身份验证令牌中。我们将只存储您付款卡的最后四位数字、付款卡类型和有效期。您的帐户内也有这些信息可供查阅。完整的付款卡数据并非由 Borderfree 或 Global-e 实体存储。您的完整付款卡数据仅由支付服务供应商负责存储和处理。


根据本政策,我们将遵循 PCI 卡数据令牌化和加密令牌化指南,采取措施保护您的帐户和付款信息。

直接营销.倘若您为 Borderfree 客户,并且同意接收我们的营销信息,我们将使用您的信息向您发送我们的相关内容,包括促销和我们合作品牌的促销、销售、活动以及我们关联合伙人的其他特别优惠。您亦可收到客户服务信息,询问您对所提供服务有何反馈。我们让您选择是否希望从“”接收该等营销内容  

倘若您同意接收该等信息,则根据适用法律,这些信息可通过电子邮件或短信发送至手机,并将包含与我们、我们的合伙人或零售商的产品和服务相关的信息。您可随时按照收到的电子邮件/文本中的说明取退订,或致函[email protected][email protected]提出申请,或遵循电子邮件中的退订说明,选择不再接收这些信息。请注意,根据适用法律,倘若您向我们的任何合伙人或零售商表示同意,则应当直接联系他们(或通过他们与您的通信直接退订)。  




倘若《通用数据保护条例》((EU)第 2016/679 号条例)(以下简称“GDPR”)或《英国通用数据保护条例》和 2018 年《英国数据保护法》(以下简称“UK DPA”)适用于 Global-e 作为数据控制方处理可直接或间接识别您身份的信息,则除本政策外,以下条款亦适用,并应优先于本政策。  

在本政策中,“信息”应具有《通用数据保护条例》 (GDPR) 所赋予“个人数据”的含义,即指与已识别或可识别的自然人相关的任何信息。


Global-e 处理您的信息主要基于提供服务以及履行合同所必需这一事实。此外,我们可能会基于您的同意、Global-e 的合法商业利益,或我们须遵守的法律义务来处理您的信息,详情如本政策所述。  



倘若适用欧盟或英国的数据保护法,或您位于欧洲经济区 (EEA) 内,可通过[email protected]联系我们的数据保护官 (DPO)。根据《通用数据保护条例》第 27 条,我们的欧盟代表为 Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH,地址:Colmantstraße 15, 53225 Bonn, 电子邮件[email protected]。倘若英国数据保护法适用于您的信息处理,您可联系我们的英国代表,Globale UK Limited, 154 Clerkenwell Rd, London EC1R 5AB, UK,电子信箱:[email protected]。  



倘若您位于 EEA,则有权向您常住地、工作地或涉嫌违反 GDPR 行为发生地的数据保护监管机构投诉。倘若英国数据处理法适用于我们处理您的信息,您有权向英国信息专员办公室投诉。有关您在欧盟数据保护法项下的权利摘要与更多详细信息,请访问欧盟委员会网站:  




我们致力于确保仅在实现本政策所述信息采集目的所必需的情况下保留您的信息,并遵守《通用数据保护条例》 (GDPR) 的存储限制原则。





由于我们是一家跨国企业,可能会在完成您的购物和履行我们的服务所必需的情况下,与我们位于世界各地的其他 Global-e 实体以及经批准的合伙人安全地共享您的信息,详见本政策。

如 “向您所在地区之外传输个人信息”所述,Global-e 数据服务器位于欧盟境内,而 Borderfree 数据服务器位于美国境内。  

在欧洲经济区和英国境外传输您的信息时,将根据欧盟委员会关于向第三方司法管辖区域传输信息的合同范本,受标准合同条款的保护,除非数据传输至欧盟委员会(从欧洲经济区传输)或英国信息专员办公室(从英国传输)确定的司法管辖区域,以提供对个人信息权利和自由的充分保护。我们传输您的信息时,将确保我们的数据托管服务供应商或其他任何第三方接收方提供法律要求的充分保密和安全承诺。如需获取一份适用于在欧洲经济区 (EEA) 和英国之外进行信息传输的标准合同条款,请联系上述地址的我方代表。




未经父母同意,这项服务不会吸引或面向未满 18 周岁之人。因此,我们无意向已知未满该最低年龄之人采集信息。

倘若我们得知在未经父母同意的情况下采集了未满 18 周岁之人的信息,我们会迅速予以删除。倘若您认为我们有任何该等信息,请通过以下方式联系我们:[email protected].


我们在中国大陆境外提供服务并处理您的个人信息。您只要使用我们的服务,便将向 Global-e 和我们位于中国大陆境外的关联方提供您的个人信息,您的个人信息将在爱尔兰和/或我们的服务器和数据库所在的其他司法管辖区域内进行处理。我们会与世界各地的关联方和经批准的合伙人安全可靠地共享您的信息,以满足您的购买需求并履行我们的服务,详见本政策。  







Global-e cookies policy

Last updated: January 2023

Global-e (“Global-e”,“we”, “our” or “us”) wants to ensure that your use of our fulfillment services, as further detailed below (“Services”) is smooth and reliable, to you as possible. To help us do this, we use cookies and similar technologies, such as tags/beacons and JavaScripts (“cookies”), to make our Service relevant to your interests and needs.

References to Global-e (or “we”, “our” or “us”) will refer to the Global-e group including the entities, subsidiaries and affiliated companies listed <<here>>, and will also include the site operating as “" and the services offered thereunder (which if offered, will form part of the Service).

What are cookies?

Cookies ares mall text files, or similar technologies, as for example, HTML5 local storage, Local Shared Objects and fingerprinting techniques, that store information or provide access to information already stored on your device, including your computer, smart phone or tablet. For the purpose of this Policy, “cookies” include any technology that Global-e use for storing information about your browsing on the website, or for accessing information already stored.

Cookies contain basic information to recognize your computer or mobile device. This is essential for providing the required services, and it allows to improve your browsing and shopping experience in certain cases. After certain amount of time, the Cookies expire. Typically, Cookies are either removed from your computer once you close your browser session (“Session Cookies”) or they expire after specific amount of time (“Persistent Cookies”)

What type of cookies Global-e is using?

We use both Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies for keep track of your preferences and improve our service to you. Some cookies are strictly essential for the operation of our Service while other cookies help us improve the level of services provided to you.

Global-e use First-Party and Third-Party Cookies:

First-party cookies are set directly by the website that the user is visiting. For the purpose of this policy, these are cookies that are set directly by our Service.

Third-party cookies are set by a domain other than the one visited by the user. For the purpose of this policy, these are cookies that are set on the Global-e checkout page for providing and supporting our Services, as those required to secure your checkout.

We have created a detailed list, which is attached below. It is available here. The table will provide you with a clear and comprehensive image of the tracking technologies that we use.

When a cookie contains personal information, for processing your order of products, then our Privacy Policy applies as well.

What happens when I disable Cookies?

Cookies will not be stored on your device without your consent. You can delete previously set cookies manually or configure the browser settings to disable or delete cookies, as further explained below.

When switching-off cookies, depending on the cookies disabled, your browsing experience may change. The website and our Services may not operate properly, depending on the category of the cookie disabled (Essential/functional or not) as described below.  If you choose to delete Global-e cookies, your access to some functionality and areas of our Service may be degraded or restricted.

The categories of the cookies we use?

Essential cookies

Essential cookies are necessary and essential for the basic operations  of our Service, as for example, your ability to complete your purchase with  your chosen items. Without these cookies, you may not be able to use our  Service and to complete your purchase from the webstore.

Functional Cookies

Functional cookies allow us to provide smooth and easy experience.  For example, saving you the trouble of  having to change the language display every time you enter our Service by  saving your preferred currency.

Without these cookies, our Service would not work properly, and you  would skip important features of it.

Analytics cookies

Analytic cookies are used to help us understand how visitors reached our  Service, how they experience it, and for how long.

Analytic cookies provide us with anonymous information that enable to carry  statistical analysis of the service. They help us understand which parts of  our Service interest visitors and if they experience any errors. We use these  cookies to test different designs and features for our sites. In the table we provided below, you will find more information on how we use these cookies.  

We also use Google Analytics.  We have set our Google Analytics to protect your privacy to the maximum extent. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google to protect your data. We have also made sure that the last octet of your IP-address is invisible and have turned off the setting which allows sharing data with Google.

Please review Google Privacy Policy available here.

If you wish to optout from Google Analytic, please follow this link

Advertising, marketing and social media cookies

We only place advertising, marketing and social media cookies if you have given us your permission to do this by using our services and accepting the cookies of the Store Owner.

Advertisement and marketing cookies collect information about your  browsing habits for displaying content and advertising relevant to your  interests. These cookies are also used to help us measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by tracking number of clicks.

Most of the cookies under this category are placed by third party  advertising networks as social media platforms. They remember the websites  you visit and use this information to give you access to interesting content  on our Service, and to show you more personalized adverts when you visit other websites. These cookies also help improve your browsing experience, for example by helping to prevent the same advertisement from continuously  reappearing to you.

Advertisement cookies are not control or stored on Global-e domain.  Social media platforms such as Facebook, can use cookies to carry out their  own analysis and statistics, depending on your user account settings. If you  would like to know more how these social media platforms use data, please  refer to the privacy notices of these platforms.

Obtaining your consent for using tracking technologies

We need your consent to use all cookies which are not essential or functional. If you do not agree to accept our cookies or other tracking technologies, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to provide you with the same level of services and experience without using such cookies.

 Withdrawing your consent

You can withdraw your consent to advertising, marketing and social media cookies by contacting: [email protected].

Managing your cookie settings and deleting cookies

We only place cookies, including non-essential cookies if you have given your consent. If you have given us your consent but would like the cookies placed to be removed, you can do this from the settings of your browser:

For Microsoft Edge: Choose Settings – then, under “Site Permissions” select “Cookies and site Data” for set specific controls.  

For Google Chrome: Choose Settings – then under “Privacy and Security” click on “Content settings” –Click “Cookies”.

For Safari”: Choose “Preferences”- then under “Privacy” click on “Remove all Website Data”.

For Mozilla Firefox: Choose “Tools” on the menu and click on “ Options”- then select “Privacy” and choose “Cookie”.

In addition, you can turn off certain third party advertising cookies by visiting the following links: Network Advertising Initiative, the Digital Advertising Alliance Consumer Choice and Your Online Choices pages.

Some web browsers offer a “Do Not Track” (“DNT”) signal. A DNT signal is an HTTP header field indicating your preference for tracking your activities on our services or through cross-site user tracking. Global-e Services do not respond to DNT signals.

Questions, comments or in need of help?

If you have any questions or if we can help you with something, we would be happy to assist. Contact us at: [email protected].

Changes to this Policy

We update this policy, where needed. Every time we change this policy, we either send you an email about it or post a notice on our Service. We will post a notice on our Service if our policy update includes substantial changes and obtain your consent once again, where required under applicable laws.

Cookies tables

The list below includes all the cookies that are used by Global-e for providing the Services.

For your convenience, the list is divided according to the Cookies Categories and hosting party (First or Third Party). Please note that this is an extended list, and not all cookies are used for all websites and services. For identifying the specific cookies relevant to you, please visit your browser setting page.

First Party Essential and Functional Cookies

These cookies are strictly essential as they provide us with access to information that is the basic of our Service. The cookies also enable your movement around our Service. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.

Name Category Purpose Session Time
GlobalE_Data Essential This cookie holds the browsing information of the user 72 hours
GE_ESSENTIALS_ONLY Essential This cookiee disable allow user to disable non-essential cookies 1 year
GlobalE_Gem_Data Essential This cookie stores the store identification and the user cart identifications for processing the order with the items 10 days
GlobalE_Full_Redirect Essential This cookie allows fluent browsing flow including to skip the sign-in page before checkout End of browsing Session
GlobalECartID Essential This cookie is required for capturing the user cart (specific order) by unique identifier and validate it with the webstore. Session expires when the webstore cart expiree
GlobalE_Welcome_Data Essential This cookie display the Welcome Popup. The Welcome Popup enable the user to change currency and shipping destination 72 hours
GlobalE_ShowStoreBanner Functional This cookie controls the fluent display of the price conversion according to the user chosen currency 1 year by defaultt.  Can be configurable
IsOperated GE_ISOPERATED Functional This cookie determines whether the shipping destination is operated by Global-e as the Merchant of Record End of browsing Session
GE_Show_Switcher cookie Functional This cookie is set by the Magento extension. It is required for fluent browsing in non-blocking mode 3 days
GlobalE_Locale Functional This cookie allows fluent browsing flow by correcting the local information received from the webstore to the one identified by Global-e. End of browsing Session
GlobalE_SupportThirdPartcookies Essential This cookie supports Third-Party cookies. End of browsing Session
GlobalE_CT_Data Functional This cookie holds a unique client identifier for a customer (per browser), which helps Global-e to provide information about the client behaviour on a Global-e enabled website. 2 years
GE_Replacement Functional This cookie keeps information on the users’ country and currency 30 min
First Party Analytic Cookies
Name Category Purpose Session Time
GlobalE_AB_Data Analytic This cookie, if configurated, enable different types of testing in the checkout 10 years
GlobalE_Ref Analytic This cookie keeps information on the referrer of the user 30 min
GlobalE_sess_ID Analytic This cookie tracks the session ID 2 years
Third Party Essential Cookies
Name Category Purpose Session Time
_cflb Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Cloudflare. It is required for secured browsing flow while detecting  malicious visitors, including bots and the use of CAPTCHA The session can run up to 24 hours
_cf_bm Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Cloudflare. It is required for secured browsing flow while detecting  malicious visitors, including bots and the use of CAPTCHA Expires after 30 min
cb_ob_info Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Cloudflare required for “Always Online” feature. Expires after 30 seconds
cf_use_ob Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Cloudflare required for “Always Online” feature. Expires after 30 seconds
__cfruid Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Cloudflare required to support “Rate Limiting” for managing the website traffic 8 months
_cfuvid Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Cloudflare required to support “Rate Limiting Rules” for managing the website traffic when multiple unique visitors share the same IP
ForterToken Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Forter, It is required for fraud detection. This cookie identifies the browser between browsing session. Expires after 5 years
Ftr_ncd Essential This cookies is Third Party cookie by Forter.  a flag used to make sure data is not sent more than once per predefined timeframe. Expires after 5 years Functional This cookie is Third Party cookie by Allyable. It enables accessibility of browsing. The cookie saves the users widget's choices. By default, it's not used. The user needs to actively select this option via te widget, otherwise it's saved in the browser cache. When browser cache expires
Third Party Non-Essential Cookies
Name Category Purpose Session Time
_ga Analytic This is Third-Party cookie by Google Analytics used to identify the unique user 2 years
_gcl_au Advertising This is Third-Party cookie set by Google Ads. It used for measuring campaign performance. 3 months
_gid Analytic This is Third-Party cookie set by Google Analytics. It is used for tracking user behavior. 24 hours
_cid Analytic This is Third-Party cookie set by Google Analytics. It is used for saving the customer ID in the analytics
_fbp Advertising This is Third-Party cookie set by Facebook. It is used for marketing
_VWO Analytic This is Third-Party “cookie Jar” set by VMO. This cookie is a jar of all the cookies. It is currently created only for the Safari browser. In the future, it would replace all the cookies. It expires in 2096 years.The actual expiry of a cookie doesn’t matter as it stores the expiry of cookies set in it and keeps on expiring them. It expires in 2096 years
_vwo_uuid_v2 Analytic This is Third-Party cookie by set  VMO. This cookie calculates unique traffic on a website 366 days
_vwo_ssm Analytic This is Third-Party cookie set by VMO. This cookie is used for testing and is created only on sites that use the HTTP protocol. This is used to check if VWO can create cookies on them, post which this cookie is deleted 10 years
_hp2_id.APP_ID Analytics This is Third-Party User Cookie is set by Heap. It stores user_id, identity, other ids 13 months
_hp2_ses_props.APP_ID Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie is set by Heap. It is the session properties cookie, it stores timestamp and cookie domain/path 30 minutes
_hp2_props.APP_ID Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie is set by Heap. It is Event properties cookie, It stores properties set by addEventProperties API 13 months
_hp2_hld. Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie is set by Heap. It is used to determine which domain a cookie can be set on (since public suffix domains block setting cookies on the top level) Should not persist
userty.core.p.app_id_hash Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie is set by Heap. It ccontains replay user properties (user id, user identity, and some user metadata) 2 years
userty.core.s.app_id_hash Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie is set by Heap. It contains replay session properties (replay session id, session timestamp and some session metadata) Current session
fs_uid Analytics This is First-Party Cookie set by Full Story, and hosted on Global-e domain. It is used for tracking users across sessions and pages. After 1 year
fs_cid Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie set by Full Story. It stores the consent state for this device After 1 year
fs_session Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie set by Full Story. This is the session cookie for the FullStory Web Application ( It maintains an authenticated user's session. 30 days
fs_trusted_device Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie set by Full Story. Once verification succeeds, this cookie is set so that the user will not have to verify a device on every login attempt 60 days
fs_last_activity Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie set by Full Story. It records the timestamp of the last action the user took within the web application. It is used to assist with session timeouts. When the session/browser closes
_fs_tab_id Analytics This is Third-Party Cookie set by Full Story. It support multi-tab playback, provides a unique ID to each tab. When the tab is closed
raygun4js-sid Functional This is Third-Party Cookie set by Raygun. It Tracks performance and errors for a session id When the tab is closed
raygun4js-userid Functional This is Third-Party Cookie set by Raygun. It Tracks performance and errors for an anonymous user id When the tab is closed by user